Google Launches GIF Maker to Report Data in a Fun Way

Google Launches GIF Maker to Report Data in a Fun Way

If your job revolves around writing high-quality content, then you already know how demanding it can be to include data that page visitors will still read. Regardless of how interesting some subject is, percentages, surveys, and other data can still be overwhelming. The key here is to present them in an interesting, appealing manner. Google launched a new tool that promises to help make you this job a lot easier.

What is a Data GIF Maker?

The new tool launched by Google is called Data GIF Maker, and the inspiration came after realizing that data visualizations are an essential storytelling tool in journalism but they can be difficult to work with. It doesn’t really have to be like that. Nowadays when smartphones are a primary method of consuming news and reports, data visualizations should be simple, easy to make, and concise so the readers can obtain the information easily.

GIF Maker features animations that can be used for different storytelling approaches. Even though the tool is designed for data journalists it can be of huge help for all people who want to report data in a visual and fun manner.

Google’s News Lab, the initiative to support journalists and storytelling, is the primary “culprit” behind this new tool. It is also important to mention that the initiative also created Google Trends, real-time worldwide trend reports for public use. Immediately after its release, Google Trends changed the way the researchers and media channels deliver reports and stories. The tool gives users access to 100 billion monthly searches performed on Google and it is available in 28 countries. The goal here is to make sure the new tool, Data GIF Maker, achieves the same success.

What Is A Data Gif Maker

Data GIF Maker is Versatile

With Data GIF Maker users can turn tedious number charts into more interesting GIF illustrations. Needless to mention GIFs have become incredibly popular nowadays. Their usage doesn’t revolve around funny animations you send to other people via text or tweet, they have become an important part of a powerful content strategy. While the Google team refers to the Data GIF Maker as a tool to visualize data only, it has a much broader application and it can be used for sales figures, polling numbers, movie ratings, among other things.

For now, the tool is basic and supports comparisons between only two data points. Knowing Google and the way they operate, it is safe to say the tool will offer more comparisons and other options in the near future.

How to Use Data GIF Maker?

What makes Data GIF Maker so practical is its simplicity. You don’t need some advanced tech skills to use this tool, which is important. There are so many tools online that are complicated to use and only waste your time. In journalism and other forms of content writing and publishing, accuracy and speed are vital to ensure your post gets more views.

The process is straightforward, here is how it works:

  • Enter two data points
  • Add the text
  • Choose colors
  • Choose the explanatory text

Google also advises you that if you want to display search interest, you can use Google Trends to compare two terms. This tool will show an average number of search interest over time for each term. Enter those numbers into the Data GIF Maker tool.
Bear in mind that high-resolution download usually takes longer, but it’s worth it due to better quality for sharing on social media platforms.

Why use GIFs Anyway?

Why Use Gifs Anyway
We usually assume GIFs are just for fun, but they bear a great significance for the content we publish. Below, you can see some interesting reasons why to start using GIFs, in case you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon just yet:

  • GIFs are easy to consume by an average reader i.e. he/she can obtain some information in a fun or more appealing manner
  • Besides the fact they are appealing, GIFs are incredibly effective and they enhance your message with visual content
  • Versatility is a major advantage of GIFs, journalists, bloggers, marketers, all kinds of professionals can use them for their content
  • GIFs are more appealing than images but cheaper than videos
  • They show you keep up with new trends, according to some reports, 84% of communication will be visual by 2018
  • GIFs are an important part of internet culture
  • Comparing to videos, GIFs’ file size is smaller and they are easier to upload, particularly if you do it over phone
  • They are mobile-friendly, regardless of the device the reader uses, he/she can still see the GIF and information you featured easily
  • GIFs hook users and make them want to read the entire content. This is because people respond better to visual content
  • You can use GIFs on different social media platforms

Also Read: Google Has Launched New AI which Directs You Without Talking To Cloud


In order to allow journalists to improve visual representation of data, Google launched Data GIF Maker. Although the original intention was storytelling, the tool can have numerous applications. At this point, there are only GIFs for comparisons between search terms, we expect Google will add more features sooner rather than later. The tool is easy to use and allows you to enter text and customize colors.