Enjoy the New Shop Feature from Google – Fact you Should Know

Enjoy the New Shop Feature from Google – Fact you Should Know

The ability to search, look, like and purchase an item online in the convenience of your own home has become the norm. Today, with the technology advancement and development especially of the social media platforms and applications, it has become easier and easier to acquire an item without using Google Search. This has posed a threat to its survival; to show on Google search results, items require to be indexed which is not easily done in relation to the content created in the social media such as Instagram. This forms major and current content that is created on a daily basis in the world.

Google has been trying to pull content from the social media for quite a long while. Managing to pull this content is an intricate process and the extraction leaves out any form of context. Context and contents of a photo, image or any item is essential especially if aiming at monetizing the searches via adverts. This, however, seems to be of no challenge to Google anymore. Google has actually found a new way to work around the challenges it faced in the past even if it only relates to fashion contents at the time. The launch of the Shop the Look feature on the search engine has clearly depicted their aptitude to conquer challenges.

Shop the Look feature

The feature is aimed at bringing into the search results outfits, posted on social media, blogs especially fashion bloggers. Currently, Google is sourcing content from rewardStyle company feature the LIKEtoKNOW. It including the links to purchase the outfits displayed and portrayed in the content. RewardStyle is a company that allows fashion bloggers to earn through their fashion posts. The company allows influencers i.e. bloggers to send a link to the affiliated entity to the followers giving them an opportunity to purchase the outfit. Example: liking a picture on Snapchat or Instagram, the service automatically sends me an email and in it are all the links I can follow to purchase the outfit and many others that are of similar nature.

How It Works?

The feature will use your search index and pull all relevant content in relation to your search. This includes social influencers’ images and photos are a perfect fit with your search criteria or outfit description. Opening any of the photos and images that pop up as search results will directly pull a gallery. The gallery will exhibit pictures of the outfits one by one, the description and a link to purchase the item of clothing featured. This is aimed at offering variety and matching cloth lines or items featuring their accessories as well.

Business Firms

Apart from that, Google is offering a chance to the retailers, companies and business firms to generate and create adverts for their businesses and especially their cloth lines. It will, in turn, integrate the adverts with the Shop the Look feature. The ads for the articles on the outfits will potentially appear with the user or followers Google search results.

Introducing this feature to the Google Search engine is of benefit to both the search engine and the influencers. Google will be able to acquire more traffic otherwise directed to social platforms. Fashion bloggers and other fashion trend influencers in need of such a platform are likely to double their income. Even though the directed to the social media was large, it is not as large as the traffic that Google enjoys on a daily basis. The influencer’s content and other affiliate links have larger possibilities and enhanced likelihoods of being viewed on Google search as a result of a larger customer base. The process has now been simplified especially for the fashion influencers. The ability to access an unlimited base and pool of potential buyers is quite interesting.

feature launched

The feature has been launched in partnership with rewardStyles. The partnership is however still young and not yet finalized. Finalization means the revenue sharing agreement has been developed and signed. It is, however, safe to presume that, items, outfits or cloth lines purchased on Google using the new Shop the Look feature will be split into three. The affiliate revenue received will be divided between the original influencer or owner of the content, the first company to generate the content on the internet, Google and definitely rewardStyle.

To the users and followers, Google is giving you the opportunity to access and purchase any outfit, anywhere and at any time. For the fashion lovers, consider being up to date with the new feature on Google and keep up with the current fashion trends. New and upcoming trends can now be easily recognized and purchased. Google no longer has to pull content without accessing its contents and context, now you as the influencer; you can index your content to appear in Google search results.


Today information is brought to your by a search on your search engine. Now, google has made it easy and simple to purchase goods through its search engine Google Search. With the new feature Shop the Look, myriad of chances, opportunities and possibilities have been opened up to us the followers, the influencers and to Google. Taking advantage of the feature is a matter of choice. I would advise you to look it up and have fun shopping and purchasing to your heart’s content. Do not be left behind! Use Google Search’s new feature today!

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