Google Continues to Make New Chromebook Pixel but You can’t Buy One

Google Continues to Make New Chromebook Pixel but You can’t Buy One

Google introduced Chrome operating systems for laptops and desktops, but it was disposable and not interchangeable. They promised to make a new model, which will be more modified on internet, power, and storage. The new pixel model is made of high power processor, and it is not disposable. Googles pixel model has changed the laptops and it is highly modified with many features.

Pixel Chromebook Features

Pixel is designed in a better way to accommodate new and modified features that are not available on other laptops. It has an anodized aluminium smooth body, with a boxy look which makes it look refined and attractive when closed. It is heavy and larger than other laptops, with slightly rounded edges which gives the arms and wrist a resting position of flat surface when typing. This makes the pixel to be the best laptop for a comfortable and easier typing. Pixel has a light bar, which greatly illuminates and draws everyone attention. The glowing blue color is very attractive, and it makes the pixel computer to look classy. The new features in pixel Chrome is cool and it is the best computer to use when you are in dark place. The chrome illuminates google rainbow colors when it is closed, making a clear indication that it is made from Google. The pixel model has a chrome logo, no stickers, and a small Google print on the lower side. It has a space for SD card reader, sim card slots, 2 USB ports, mini display port, Headphone jack and a hole for AC adapter brick. It also has a modified keyboard, trackpad, HD webcam and a nice display. The trackpad is smooth, glassy and very responsive making it easier for one to work with the pixel chrome.

Chromebook Features

Why go for Pixel Chromebook

Google chrome pixel has many special and modified features which makes it the best laptop in the market. The features are highly modified, and they look classic and attractive for everyone. Chrome laptop has a nice display and keyboard which makes it easier and comfortable to work with. The new model makes it different from other computers, and it is very fast to use.

Pixel Display

Pixel laptop has a better display expressing most of the features that are not available on other computers. It has a better hardware to use. It has an accurate, vivid, bright and sharp display. The pixel display makes it easier to be tilted in different ways while watching movies, and it has a perfect display to read texts on the screen, even when you are at a distance. The pixel display is touchscreen, make it faster to use the laptop unlike others which you has to scroll up and down.

New Model Chrome

New Model Chrome

Chrome has been upgrading their system every now and then, making it hard for one to know which is the best. The new model has slight modifications of the previous one and it almost looks the same. Recently, Google has made very powerful pixel chrome which processes the information at a faster rate. The operating system is very stable, and it does not crash easily. Googles Chrome pixel has new modified apps that cannot be accessed using other computers. The browser is very fast and you can get a wide variety of apps. The new model is the fastest and easiest to use.

The Advantages of Google Chrome Pixel

  • It is very easy to operate
  • It has a classy design
  • The display is touch screen
  • It has a wide variety of new apps
  • The keyboard is flat and comfortable for typing
  • It has a fast and modified operating system
  • It has an illuminating light making it suitable for use in the dark

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Google has made the best and comfortable computer to use. It has a modified display and operating system, making it look different from other computers in the market. Google had previously made the new chrome pixel, but they have recently modified it, and it is much upgraded. The recent model has pretty and attractive features which are drawing everyone’s attention. Most customers have liked the new high-end pixel, and they are not ready to change their model if a new Chromebook is made. Google is making new chrome designs after sometime, but the users are not ready to change as it contains the same thing that is slightly modified. The new model seems to be the best, but you can’t buy as they are just modifications of the current one. Google is trying to modify their recent operating system, and come up with a highly modified Chromebook. The google chrome pixel has many attractive features, but there is no need of switching to the new models that it keeps on updating. If you are looking for a comfortable, faster, attractive and classy design computer, Google Chrome is the best laptop for you. You can select the best model in the market that will suit your needs. It is not a must to buy the new upgraded models, as it just has slight modification of the previous model.